Monday, June 24, 2013


Lyme Disease.
Seems like it is everywhere; everyone or at least someone you know has had it. Maybe you do and don't know it.
The latest studies reported in this month's Townsend Letter are astounding; there is a huge  variety of symptoms that are associated with  Lyme disease, most of which go undetected.
In the blog soon to follow, I am going to share with you the very detailed checklist of Lyme symptoms, as well as suggestions for treatment.
if you suspect you have Lyme, for whatever reason, do not stop at Go and collect $200.00 Go directly to your health practitioner that can write a prescription for the appropriate type and dosage of antibiotics.
If you have ANY questions, do not hesitate to call me at the office.
Yours in Health & Happiness,
Dr. Jenn

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

So, unless you arte living in or under a rock, you are probably inundated with GMO in your headlines.
Monsanto, GMO; what does this mean  and why should you care?
This is a long, often falsely fabricated tale that includes  a few facts  ( the rest? propaganda and more) that you, oh precious consumer , should know.

We are what we eat. That said, what exactly  are we eating?
Aye, herein lies the rub or should I SAY, THE GRUB?

 Food is politic. We are the body politic. Politics  are ruling our foods: how they are grown, how they are manufactured, how foods affect our health, to name a few.
It is timely and oh so important that you educate yourselves, because the future is and will be entirely driven and maintained by BIG PHARMA and BIG CORPORATIONS unless you use your voice.
To be continued.....